Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finished Product

With quite a hectic week and the need to do Sociology exam preparation over the past weekend I have managed to finally complete my animation of my architectural renovation of the Bakery/Chinese restaurant and top floor apartment building on Beach Rd.

With the drawings taking me over 4 straight days to complete, on the whole I am extremely happy with my final design and believe that it has considered and shown all three elements of sight, sound and smell in regards to created an almost perverse example of consumer food enticement. My animation was shot by hand with my XPERIA Sony Ericsson phone camera, giving it a very rustic and sketchy feel that I felt would seem a bit sterile with a tripod held professional camera, despite having access to it.

I ended up taking about 1000 photos, placing them into iMovies which has turned out to be an amazing tool for the creating of stop motion films and I recommend it to everyone, from which I have uploaded the video onto Youtube where it can be seen on the URL : and below .

1 comment:

  1. Review 2
    Vasilije Rakovic

    Vas (For short) like Tania, had an amazing page, with some amazing drawings and a very easy to read and understand theme. Food. Its something that a lot of us take for granted, it's true, it appears in the pantry, and we devour it, and even throw a lot of it away...But for many in third world countries they don't take it for granted, to them it is a divine gift, even when it comes in small quantities, very hard to find and accuire and often not enough to satisfy a growing family.

    Vas looks at this problem, and it is his inspiration for his design and I think it was great of him to think of others much less fortunate...and looks at a 'perverse example of consumer food enticement', which today it can be seen everywhere, even when people don't realize it.

    He had a great deal of development in not only the design but also the ideas from the very start, focusing on three sense in particular...sound, smell and sight (Strangely enough not taste?), and this was quite clear from the word go, showing how most 1st world countries think in terms of want/pleasure and sustenance-A need for food in order to survive, but often forgotten he conveyed this very effectively.

    He also thought about where it will be placed, on an existing building, looking at all sorts of views including plan, section, and exploded sections which I think is very effective in conveying a theme/idea. Again a very talented guy, with creativity, vision and drawer I am very impressed with his work like last workshops model. He's done a great job. Some constructive feedback for next time would be to use a tripod, trying to keep the lighting as constant as possible-which I think he did very well, adding some music and making it shorter! Would have looked even better if it was just a bit faster...but well done! (again)
