Monday, August 8, 2011

New Topic - Sustenance - A1 Sheet Animation

My task for this week is to create a stop motion animation film using only a sheet of A1 paper to reflect the idea of sustenance. Upon buying myself a rendering A1 sheet of paper from Gordon & Harris today I have decided to spend some time reflecting on the multitude of issues incorporating the idea of sustenance that I have experienced today, by noting them down according to chronological time of happening. I will also provide ideas about what I believe are the main forms of sustenance and symbolic ideas that reflect this.

According to the 'Merriam-Webster' dictionary sustenance is defined as:


noun \ˈsəs-tə-nən(t)s\

Definition of SUSTENANCE

a : means of support, maintenance, or subsistence : livingb : food, provisions; also : nourishment
a : the act of sustaining : the state of being sustainedb : a supplying or being supplied with the necessaries of life
: something that gives support, endurance, or strength

Examples of SUSTENANCE

  1. Tree bark provides deer with sustenance in periods of drought.
  2. The village depends on the sea for sustenance.
  3. She draws spiritual sustenance from daily church attendance.


Middle English, from Anglo-French, from sustenir
First Known Use: 14th century


From this I summarize in my view, that sustenance is primarily focused around the idea of providing the necessities to allow a balance of life requirements. For humans that may be: shelter, warmth, food, love (or care), hope, identity and in some senses an array of emotions such as humour, sadness, etc, which make everyday life possible.
From my waking up this morning I will attempt to list all ideas reflecting upon the issue of sustenance.

  • Waking up - I am fortunate to have my own bed for comfort and warmth.
  • I put on my clothes for warmth that protect me from the outside weather.
  • I observe the many posters for Secret Admirers week which plaster near every wall in the accommodation building ( a representation of emotional sustenance embodying the power of humanity.
  • I have the privilege of as much breakfast as I want, consuming 2 bowls of Sultana Bran and a glass of water, both sustenance in terms of hunger and thirst.
  • I return to my room, with a heater for warmth.
  • Sustenance of my body, includes the brushing of my teeth and a shower for cleanliness.
  • Providing of computer information systems, such as the internet provides sustenance of news and information necessary for a comparative level of satisfaction in a 1st World Country.

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