Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Pictures of the Dilapidated Railway Hotel

Needing inspiration for my lamp design with to do with the concepts of light and the idea of awakening, I went to the site of the Old Railway Station and the Old Railway Hotel to look at different stylistic and light aspects of how these buildings reacted to light hitting them and the subsequent shadows. After some inspection I found that the front of the Old Railway Hotel building was still being used as a hotel for guests, while at the back a new add on featured contained what can only be a "shifty" looking restaurant in a black painted brick exterior wall. Further, behind a load of bill boards I was disappointed to see that at the exterior of the building on the side as can be seen in the bottom pictures, that the site had been basically as a rubbish dump for old furniture and objects which from my judgement would not have been a pleasant view for those occupants on that side of the building.

However on the main exterior following a path leading from Anzac Rd down to the park in front of the old Railway station, although not extremely tidy, one could observe the many stylistic characteristics of the hotel done in a Beaux Arts style. The exterior emphasized the use of a brick facade with stone or concrete window tops with a distinct grid like pattern of windows that crossed the exterior facade of the building.

The building has a very warm feeling, especially in the sunlight, with my interest being in the type of light one of the hotel visitors would feel when waking up (awaking) in a hotel room space. In my mind, the experience would involve, waking up in a darker area, getting out of bed and walking towards the window as the light levels get lighter and lighter. At this point I would also like to note the stylistic occurrence of many grids of window mullions on the actual window panes, following the ideas of the Beaux Arts style, while also to be found are many added fans for ventilation covering parts of different windows, bars close to the public footpath (I assume to keep people from burglarizing the apartments than to keep the inhabitants from escaping) and chicken-wire used to keep birds from roosting on the window ledges. All these elements in my mind, when carefully observed must create a large variety and collection silhouettes in the room of diagonal and gridded lines that surely affect the way the light enters the area and is observed by the awaking visitors. Something I would like to recreate, while at this point i would like to put an emphasis on either creating a lamp that would serve to symbolize this change of light levels and associated patterns when waking for either the exterior of the building as an architectural feature lamp or as an inside wall or table mounted lamp .

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