Monday, August 22, 2011

Le Corbusier Design Moving Part Inspiration

These pictures taken from the Bauhaus in Dessau which is currently being used as a museum and education/conference area has been refurbished in recently. The window mechanisms and the building being designed by the famous Modernist architect, Walter Gropius, emulates those sorts of modernist ways of exploring mechanization and building parts and will help in terms of adding to the potential of explorable window aspects in my final building which has to be based off of Le Corbusier's Carpenter Centre, another example of similar modernist architecture.

My idea is to create a simple mechanism consisting of a chain, a box for the wheel and a wheel. The chain and the wheel will be made in 3D max with the exploration of some different tools and forms, including sculpties, while the box will simply be made in Second Life and added to the imported displacement map of the chain and the wheel. Scripts will be added from Scratch for Second life and will aim to join the vertical movement of the chain moving to the circular movement of the wheel moving to create a combined motion.

P.S. I experienced problems this afternoon as the Kaiko server has been completely filled up with information, not allowing me to add my model or adjoining scripts and displacement maps to Second Life. I have created all the displacement maps and scripts to go with my building part movement but I am unable to import anything until other people have deleted their old buildings or at least parts of them from the server requiring till tomorrow. I also do not have any previous buildings, having done mine on NZVWG and the server does not allow me delete other peoples work. While this is regrettable I have given it my best effort to import and do my work, but in essence it is not up to me to facilitate the required space for these sorts of projects.

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