Wednesday, September 14, 2011

10min Walk from the Site - Identify User Needs

Identify User Needs (colours respond to places within walking distance in relevance to the person):

Building Point (Green)

Dentist (Yellow):
  • Clients.
  • Car Parking for clients.
  • Shipments can be received to the clinic.
Carpenter (Orange):
  • Bunnings Warehouse or similar for materials and power tools.
Architect & Engineer (Blue):
  • Printing shop - Place next door (Neville Newcombe Reprographics).
  • Paper supplier - Round the corner on Stanley St are a number of printers and paper suppliers.
  • City Council - may be a smidgen out of walking distance - approx 5min more.
  • Geotech engineers - Closest Geotech engineers are unfortunately near Western Park.
Artist (Red):
  • Supply store - Stores in town, near Queen St.
  • Nature, leisure places - Albert Park, The Domain and Fraser Park and all in viewing or walking distance.
  • Galleries -closest Galleries are m.Art Design on Beach Rd and afroDIZZIA across Fraser Park.

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