Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Additions to the Building Thursday Morning - Notes to Follow

And last day...Even at this moment I am finishing off parts of my

building for the hand in tomorrow. Major new additions to my building

which is not included in my matrix is the inclusion of a funnel

entrance at the entrance of the building. This was mainly added as a

final monumental use of directional light,as in a telescope to

immediately reflect this idea of controling and funneling light in the

office space as used in the Carpenter Centre by Le Corbusier through

his use of slats. The entrance although quite dark due to its

monumental concrete construction will create a theatrical entrance

into the space that funnels in the dentist office space, which due to

the addition of the light chimneys and alpha channel slat windows will

be a place that will fully play on the idea of direction and

meaningful use of light within the office space, main idea that I

could get of Corbusier's from the Carpenter Centre.

The second picture down shows a representation of my rotating helix

that symbolically alludes to the idea of the Modulor Man, much like

the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo da Vinci, the Modulor created Le

Corbusier represents the proportions of man and the associated

perfection according to such ratios of body part dimensions. My door

aims to seperate the more daily public client spaces (carpenter and

dentist area) with those of the more secluded or selective client

based systems such as the artist,architect and the engineer. The door

turns with a swipe card, but for Second Life use, revolves 90 degrees

with the command open much as the front and back doors.

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