Starting my construction in Second Life, upon looking at the previous works of the group doing Second Life, I wanted to play around with a couple of ideas regarding the different capabilities that Second Life offers. With my inspiration being Le Corbusier's Carpenter Centre at the Harvard University campus, I knew I would be dealing with a building that was quite rigid, monumental and made from strong materials such as reinforced concrete (penetrated by glass). An interesting idea came into my mind whereupon I could play with the quite cubic forms of Corbusier but through the use of the 'Flexible Prims' option create a building that was able to control the light and the views much as the Carpenter Centre does but also in a way by mainly changing and playing around with the options create a building that 'breathed' by moving with the wind, playing on the idea of a building being "a machine for living in" (or rather in a way a living building). Using a number of different shaped prims, I changed the values of the softness, the tension, drag and wind in order to make the prims bend and change according to outside pressures. It was also quite interesting that with using the move tool and moving the prim back and form with the allowance of slight prim flexibility I was able to get a lot of subsequent prim flexing that corresponded the direction of the force upon it.
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