Thursday, September 8, 2011

Carpenter Needs

In thinking about what the Carpenter's needs would be within the building space I devised a small list:

  • A large open space working area, with appropriate space for ventilation and workshop machines close to the wall edge or spread around.
  • Racks or storage areas for tools, solvents, models, etc.
  • An access to the exterior roads allowing accessibility by truck through a sliding door or similar to allow models or furniture to be loaded without being impacted by exterior weather or prolonged walks through the other spaces in the building which would cause inconvenience.
  • The workshop should aim to have controlled lighting levels, by this meaning that the space should not have blinding levels of natural light but also not be a spatial equivalent of a dungeon with limited or no natural light. Lighting should explore the use of sky lights, windows or slat systems with incorporated electrical lighting systems that will provide safety and easy viewing reducing eye strain within the area.
  • Again, the area should provide addition facilities such as a sink for cleaning ones hands, potentially a First Aid Area while also a toilet or bathroom with a shower for functionality of the people using the area.

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