Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Corbusier Light Wells/Chimneys

Still continuing on with my idea of wanting a strong sense of light and darkness within the interior space of the office, my idea for the area on the back side of the train tracks from Parnell Rise was to bring light to this potentially dark space through the use of light wells/chimneys that have been used by Le Corbusier (probably not quite the same but similarly) in many of his buildings. The light chimneys would work much like the exterior slanted panels of the Carpenter Centre in providing views (the sky) while also letting in light into the back top two spaces occupied by the artist on the top mezzanine floor (not the overhanging space above the railway as seen before on previous pictures) and the engineer down the ramp below.

The top picture show the light chimneys above the artists space on the mezzanine section above the architects office space below. The light chimneys would provide view into the sky, framing it and in an artistic way reflecting the portrait of nature and the outside world....an artistic thought. The light chimneys would further flood the space with light when the sun was on that side of the sky, with an open curtain wall window enclosing the train station providing sunlight for the rest of the day, with this space satisfying the needs of the artist to light and inspiration. One might ask how the impact of the trains going past would impact the artists concentration, but in fairness trains do not pass every few minutes rather a few hours apart in the space, stopping in the evenings through the just out of central city, so disturbances will not be a major problem if they occur a few times a day.

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