Friday, September 9, 2011

Artist's Needs

With my millionaire being my artist in residence, emphasis has to be on this artists space and the way it affects all the other people's areas. Areas or things that I have identified for an artist space tends to be:

  • Open plan and large quantities of space allowing for easy maneuverability and area to lay out drawings, put in machines or presses for different types of hanging and sculpture.
  • An area that has an influence of natural light and ventilation allowing for different solvents/smells to exit naturally from the area, while also for light to dry paintings while not causing glare or long term damage to the area.
  • From many of my photos, i have observed that artists studios in the modern age aim to be of a white or neutral colour, allowing for easy inspiration in terms of reducing visual clutter or influence of wallpaper or anything particular that could aim to bias the design of artwork within the space.
  • Of course another space that needs to be added is a bathroom or sink area for the user to wash their hands from paint and of course general use.
  • A watercolour sink or general sink in the area would be useful in providing functional use to the workings of the artist in alleviating pressure on having to walk to far to get to water for watercolour, plaster and other uses.

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