Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Final with Addition Corubusier Modular Spiral Inspired Doors

The bottom two pictures show my images of my final office views from

the front and from the back. While I am happy with my final project as

a whole, I cant say that there cant be massive improvements as well. In

terms of my major goals, to create an architectural space that uses

the Carpenter Centre as inspiration to create an office space that

uses the ideas of directional light and views, I believe I have

provided a number of different aspects such as the use of light

chimneys, use of gaps, slat construction. flexible prims, a sculpty

white cloud like prim (referring to Ronchamp influence from Le

Corbusier) to give part of the building a sense of lightness away from

the monumental nature of its general concrete construction. I have

also included a number of both reactive and rotational scripts in my

doors and slats on the windows, playing on my and Corbusier's idea of

a building being a machine for living in and the continuation of my

idea of a living, almost "breathing" building that moves with the

influence of people and most importantly light.

What I am perhaps happy with the final product, areas where I think I

could improve are things that Judy has picked up on even looking at my

Matrix this morning, this is the creation of a unique space (that is

perhaps more united than mine) spatially and that interacts to a

further degree with the occupants and allows more mingling between the

5 occupants, creating a more successfully form of architecture. Had I

had perhaps a few more days and a few more prims (I see Judy cringe) I

would have added in a few more interesting structural features that

further interact with the surrounding buildings to its sides as well

as adding in my bought furniture for the office space. In architecture

there is always more that you can fix and with this being a bit of a

learning curve for me, I managed to explore creating an entire office

space from the inside outwards, with the space and the feelings

including light and monumentality in the space dictating the way my

architecture is formed.

The top three images show the construction process of my back access door to the Carpenters office area. The door has been modeled off the illustration at the top of the page with Le Corbusier's Modular Man, thus the doors being one half of a rough representation of the associated Modular spiral that reflects the proportions of the human body. The top part of the doors is larger, with the smaller bits descending to the smallest at the bottom. I have given the doors an alpha texture with a mixture of red and black in accordance with this making the doors similar to that of red and white stripes, thus making them visible when opening for passersby to take care or lorry drives to take care in not hitting their trucks on them. The alpha channel follows a similar pattern to that of the criss cross Victorian industrial trusses however closer together to allow more influence of the red to show through and stand out for caution. The doors swing open on a cantilevered hinge system thus allowing trucks to back up in close to the carpenter office space.

The third, fourth and fifth image display a similar use of the Corbusier spiral from the Modulor diagram to create a rotating front door that responds to the "open" command. The door is coloured in the colours depicted in Le Corbusier's drawing of it (Red and White), changing up the general monotony of the monumental structures around it at the entrance for the clients into the Dental space making it more inviting and friendly to children aswell rather than a completely austere finish.

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